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Vandaag viel me op dat de spelling ook had kunnen zijn SpruitWear of zelfs SpruitWhere. Dus maar eens even kijken wat "ware" ook al weer precies betekent (Merriam-Webster Online):
Main Entry: 1ware
Pronunciation: 'war, 'wer
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English war, ware careful, aware, from Old English w�r -- more at WARY
Date: before 12th century
2 archaic : WARY, VIGILANT
Main Entry: 3ware
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English waru; akin to Middle High German ware ware and probably to Sanskrit vasna price -- more at VENAL
Date: before 12th century
1 a : manufactured articles, products of art or craft, or farm produce : GOODS -- often used in combination
2 : articles (as pottery or dishes) of fired clay
3 : an intangible item (as a service or ability) that is a marketable commodity
Klaarblijkelijk produceer ik dus softwaregoederen en ben ik daar bewust mee bezig. Goeie naam :-)
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