Weblog van Spruit
Goal in life: Create order, think lateral.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Internet MM content model
The image above describes the IMMCM (Internet Multi Media Content Model v2.0, ©Baris A.M.). It is intended as an honest way of releasing multi media to the Internet. Multi media assets cannot be effectively shielded off to particular parts of the Internet (e.g. iTunes), so a new model is needed that releases the assets to the Internet as a whole. The following principles are applied in the model.
- There is a single fund manager for multi media content on the Internet. Here it has been named the Internet Multi Media Committee. This should be a world wide independent organization that is the single authority tracking multi media content on the Internet. In the Netherlands it can be compared to Buma Stemra gone Internet.
- All Internet users pay a fixed amount as part of their Internet subscription for multi media content, the multi media tax. This amount is routed to the multi media committee via the ISP's.
- The multi media committee functions as a fund manager assigned with distributing funds to content providers based on download statistics, popularity pols and the like.
- Content providers (like record labels, television stations, movie makers etc.) do not sell their content(!). They only register a new song, movie or what ever. This so the Internet Multi Media Committee can start gathering popularity data about the asset, e.g. download statistics.
- Content providers get payed on time and popularity basis. For example, every month and more when the song is downloaded more often.
Of course the content providers can try (and probably will) to earn some more money by selling their content elsewhere. However when they try to sell it to a secured domain it may get stolen and we have the piracy problem again.
The biggest drawback of this model may be the regulatory multi media committee. Some may say it goes against what the Internet stands for: anarchy! Also there may be an undesirable 'big brother factor' involved here, because one entity is tracking all multi media assets and is deciding on their worth. Extra care must be taken to prevent misuse of this decision power.
Another, technical, challenge will be to track dowloads of an asset and to gather reliable statistics of its popularity. However, statistics are all that are needed. Not every single download needs to be tracked!
So despite some disadvantages the model at least annuls the need for techniques to secure multi media content once it is (transported) on the Internet, all that is needed are statistics to devide the funds amongst all content providers.
I am very interested in any comments that you may have...
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Spruitware IMMCM has happened... almost
Told you so Spruitware IMMCM has happened... almost. This service is called Surf2Music in the Netherlands. The idea is basically the same as mine. To compare: -Buma Stemra acts as Internet Multi Media Committee -Surf2Music provides the subscribtion. This could just as well be an extra package you have with your ISP. Clients pay a fixed amount per month. Part of the money goes to Buma Stemra. Buma Stemra pays the content providers/artists. -Content providers do not even sell their content to Buma Stemra! But get paid when content is downloaded. -This is also the weak part. If content ends up at an illegal site, content providers still get zip, zero, nothing. Better would be to devide part of the subscribtion money directly between the content providers. For example, based on download statistics. -Also it would be better to have this service included in your ISP contract, so that it does not matter anymore on which site the content is.
In America the service is called www.Rhapsody.com.
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